Moroccan Salad…

A few days back, I came across one of my favorite blogs, Mama’s Weeds, and she was steaming beets and putting them in her salads. Lately, I have been seeking out salads with beets at restaurants and buffets. So it only made since for me to take my newfound knowledge of steaming beets and make a salad, right?

California Pizza Kitchen has this amazing salad with beets, when I order it I always ask for the meat and eggs to be omitted. They call it Moroccan Chicken Salad, I don’t know if the salad is Moroccan or the Chicken is, but either way, I dig this salad.

After getting a few items at the grocery store, I was armed and ready to make this salad. I peeled and steamed the beets. I roasted a butternut squash. My avocados were ready to eat. Yep, it was time.

red bell pepper
roasted butternut squash
dried cranberries
toasted almonds

I added spinach and instead of champagne vinaigrette, which I didn’t have, I used balsamic vinaigrette. Amazing!

I served it with wild rice and red beans.

Now that’s a delicious meal!

Until next time…

6 replies to “Moroccan Salad…

  1. I love the idea of butternut squash on a salad-yum! I always laugh when I order things like that at restaurants. I’m like “Is it really an asian salad? Do asian people eat this?”

  2. Your carrots looked like dried apricots. I was so excited: DRIED APRICOTS! Then I read the list. Then I was confused.

    “What’s this about carrots, all she has are apricots and a bunch of other stuff – no carrots!”

    Then the penny dropped and I realized the carrots were wearing apricot suits and that’s why I was confused.

    1. Pk – Ohhh… I’m sorry to have gotten your hopes up about dried apricots. Hmmm… those do sound good as a salad topping though. Now I’m going to have to keep my eye out for a salad with dried apricots.

      I love that my carrots were wearing apricot suits, too funny. 😀

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